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Lone Pine Belief Statements

In order for learning to occur, Lone Pine staff, students, and parents believe that:

Children Should:

  • Have the right to be educated: fairly, equally, and to the best of their ability. 
  • Feel successful; physically, emotionally, and academically.
  • Have a good sense of self-esteem.
  • Be in a physical environment that is comfortable, safe, and secure.
  • Have their physical and emotional needs met.
  • Respect the rights of other children.
  • Respect the rights of adults.

Teachers and Staff Should:

  • Be fair, consistent, enthusiastic, open minded, intuitive, creative, innovative, supportive, with a sense of humor .... 
  • Treat all children with respect. 
  • Stress the excitement and fun of learning along with the discipline of learning. 
  • Believe that all children can learn. 
    Recognize the individual needs and strengths of the child. 
  • Pursue personal and professional growth.

Parents Should:

  • Be involved in order to foster student success. 
  • Encourage their children to take responsibility while remaining supportive and encouraging. 
  • Provide a nurturing home environment that meets the rest and nutritional needs of the growing child.
  • Balance school with extracurricular activities, home responsibilities (chores), family time and free time.
  • Seek to continually improve parenting skills.

The School Environment Should:

  • Be a place where children feel they belong.
  • Be positive and non-threatening. 
  • Adapt and adjust to function at its best in a changing world.
  • Have open, caring communication and interaction between students, staff and parents. 
  • Promote the growth, health and well-being of teachers/staff.

Together, we should:

  • Recognize that we are part of a global community with responsibilities to its citizens and their environment.
  • Acknowledge that all problems have solutions if the desire is great enough. 
  • Communicate with each other by actively listening and understanding. 
  • Have an open exchange of ideas in a free and non-threatening environment.